Saturday, June 15, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Same Sex Marriage - Essay ExampleI deliberate that promoting the rights of homosexuals and legalizing jointure for them is an insult for the sacred and traditional institution that trade union is. Our society gives us no right to play with the traditional values that has been set by our ancestors. Homosexual marriages will give more rise to non-serious marriages. As mentioned by Andrew Sullivan, man men enjoy more sexual freedom and escape the strains of monogamy. Legalizing gay marriages would hence mean inculcating more promiscuousness and corruption into your own society. Gay men are more likely to have many partners than straight men and they are less likely to be loyal to only one partner for a long time. Hence, the traditional family ties would be further weakened which would in turn have a detrimental impact on the future generations.Many people also believe that by legalizing homosexual marriage, the concept of marriage would gradually crumble down. Over the years, peopl e would start marrying their pets or would develop a love for animals and would then press the authorities to legalize that, thereby derogating the complete system that our forefathers have followed. People might also want to marry stuff toys, their mothers or brothers or sisters, so how would they be stopped from claiming their rights?To be frank, gayness is still considered an abnormality or a psychological disorder amongst many conservative societies and they would be completely unacceptable towards the stance of legalizing same sex marriage. Also, it has been shown by numerous studies that gays are more likely to have a shorter life expectancy. Promiscuousness, drinking, smoking and unhealthy lifestyles should be avoided.I disagree with Andrew Sullivans claim that same-sex marriage would strengthen the culture of marriage. Heterosexual marriages are considered sacred because they are the reason behind the continuation of generations of a particular race. Promoting same sex mar riages would mean promoting a

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